Bathroom renovations are almost always some combination of cosmetic and functional. They can also be costly. Especially with a bathroom, because of the unique stress they see between lots of use, high heat and moisture – many issues within plumbing or structure can be missed until you are in the midst of the renovation. You can plan for that by budgeting out some items before you even start. Here are a few tips to get you started, and you can click here to read the full article.
As with any redesign, going with classic styles is best for your permanent fixtures. Bold and flashy may be “in”, but it won’t add any lasting value to your home, especially when you try to sell.
Use tile selectively
Tile can really add some pop to an otherwise boring bathroom…but it can also add great cost. Consider finding a cheaper tile if using large amounts, coupled with more expensive pieces as accents.
Evaluate your needs
Consider annexing a closet or some other extra space to give your bathroom more room. Do you really need a bath, or do you just like the idea of having one? Make a plan and stick to it – don’t get lured in by bright and shiny objects!
Put your money where it counts
Plumbing and permanent storage are the thing that are hard to replace in a bathroom – so when you spend your money, putĀ a large percentage into those things versus the more vanity (no pun intended) pieces.