Freendo Faucets from ANO live presentation of features and benefits

This video was presented by Tom Robinson in ANO, Inc. in June 2014. It presents the features and benefits of Freendo Faucets.


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What is a Faucet Backflow Preventer/Check Valve?

What is a back flow preventer? What is the difference between a back flow preventer and a check valve? Do I need on on my faucet?

The terms backflow preventer and check valve are often used interchangeably. The purpose of the valves is to prevent water on a plumbing appliance, faucets, water heater, garden hose from backing up into the water system and contaminating it. The best example is if you are using an attachment to your garden hose to spray insecticide on your lawn or garden and you lose pressure on the line. Without a backflow preventer the poison could potentially back up into the water system and pollute the system.

Do you need one? If the question is will the faucet work without one the answer is yes. Most plumbers will tell you they are required by code but there seems to be some difference of opinion on the subject. It also seems it is rarely enforced if it is required.

Most faucets today come with two check valves. In the Eclipse faucet one is in the head and one is attached between the hose and the body of the faucet – see pictures below.

kps3035 installphoto

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Video Demonstration of New Eclipse KPS3035 Faucet

Here is a video demonstrating the features and benefits of the Eclipse Stainless faucets using the new KPS3035 Appleton faucet.




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Eclipse Sinks and How They’re Made

In a previous article we discussed the difference between the Eclipse process of individually drawing (pressing) the bowls of double bowl sinks and then welding then together.  This is the best way to produce a quality sink. Most sink companies to save cost are pressing two bowls at the same time using an annealing process. This process while cheaper produces a lighter and therefore noisier sink.

Here is a short video of a portion recent presentation we did on sinks and faucets where we discussed the topic.

ANO is an independent representative specializing in stainless steel sinks and quality faucets not sold on internet.


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Hose replacement on a KPS3031 Niagara

In this article we will demonstrate how to replace the hose on a KPS3031 Niagara faucet.

Here is the instructioKPS3031 Hose replacement instructions jpgn sheet issued by Eclipse Stainless

And here is the video

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Eclipse Stainless Faucet Head Redesign

Faucet head change jpg 1

KPS3030, KPS3030M, KPS3035

Faucet head change jpg 2


Eclipse Stainless is constantly striving to improve its product. In 2014 Eclipse began to switch to a new head design that is lighter and more reliable. Below are pictures showing the changes.

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Eclipse Soap Dispensers

Eclipse Stainless constantly strives to improve and upgrade its products. Here is a picture of the improvements that have been made to the Eclipse soap dispensers. Soap Dispenser changes

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Kitchen remodel cost: Where to spend and how to save

This is reprinted from Today

June 5, 2014 at 10:31 AM ET

David Gilbert

David Gilbert

While no renovation adds as much equity to your home or is likely to be more enjoyed, kitchen remodel costs can get out of control quickly. When it comes to remodeling your kitchen, check out where experts suggest splurging — and where you can cut some corners.

Splurge: Exotic stone counter tops  

“When remodeling a kitchen, the number one splurge you should make is counter tops. They’re the first thing people see,” says contractor John DeSilvia, host of DIY Network’s “Under Construction” and “10 Grand in Your Hand.” Karen Williams, a designer and kitchen specialist and principal of the boutique design studio St. Charles of New York, agrees. “Exotic surfaces make a big first impression and can set the tone of the space,” she says. A kitchen island, in particular, deserves the splurge. As the gathering and entertaining hub in most kitchens, it’s highly visible and utilized. So top it with something special — calacatta marble, quartz or gorgeous lava stone, for example—and cut back on out-of-the-way prep areas if your budget is limited, says Williams.

for full article click here

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Why is my sink ponding water.

sink ponding waterThis is an example of a sink that is obviously ponding water in the right bowl.

Eclipse sinks are drawn from molds and all will drain if properly installed properlyForced basket strainer w arrow.

Ponding as shown in pictures above is caused by the plumber forcing the drainline and basket strainer or garbage disposal in trying to meet existing piping. When you force the plumbing in it causes the bottom of the sink to bow upward at the plumbing (drain) keeping the water from getting to the drain like you see in the right bowl of this sink.

copyright 2014 Tom Robinson

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Eclipse Brand

Better Steel, Better Processes, Certified Quality, Eclipse Branded

The final benefit of buy Eclipse sinks is the Brand itself.

Many of the cheap generic sink being given away as “free sinks” with countertop purchases have no brands or brands made up just to give them names. On unbranded sinks or brands with no history you have no assurance of what standard were used mEclipse Stainless Triple Bowl Sinkaking the sinks. You also have nowhere to go if you need warranty service.

Eclipse has been serving the countertop fabricators by producing high quality sinks for over eight years. They control 100% of the output of the factory where they are manufactured. Many “manufacturers” or suppliers use whatever factory is lowest price when they need sinks. A generic supplier may have no record of where you sink was even manufactured. If there is a problem and the sink needs to be replace there is no assurance that the sink you have can be duplicated as the size will  vary from factory to factory.

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