You have two bids on your new kitchen. The bids are far apart. One is quoted as dollars per square foot and the other is based on a thorough review of what you want and need.
The high bid measured your tops, furnishes references, and can show you an insurance certificate. You can visit a showroom and a shop. The high bid has a land line phone.
The low bidder only has a cell phone, no insurance, will cut the countertop in your driveway.
It may not be that extreme but you get the “feeling” something is not right.
A stone countertop will be in your home for a very long time. Even if it is the low bid it is likely a lot of money… more than you want to spend to replace it if it is not right.
Below are pictures of some of the problems if you countertop is price too low.
I suspect none of the home owners tell their family and friends “It sucks but that’s OK. I got it cheap.”

Bad Seam

Bad seam
- Seam in middle of sink
All of these pictures were obtained off the internet and were not copyrighted as far as I could tell. Below are links to some of the webpages where I found them.