The two great mysteries of the kitchen are which side of the sink does the garbage disposal go and what should you not put down the disposal?
In this article we will address which side the garbage disposal goes.
Which side the disposal goes is strictly personal preference
but like religion and politics there are those on both side who insist their way is the only way. If you have a double equal sink then there is little difference because the bowls are the same and the depth of the sinks are the same. With an uneven offset bowl such and the Eclipse 501 know to the trade as a 70/30 bowl or the 513 which is known as a 60/40 bowl the smaller bowl is usually shallower and if the shallower bowl plugs you can get back up into the larger lower bowl. The double bowl was invented so you could fill one side with soapy water and scrape and rinse in the other.
If you wash dishes by filling the larger of the sinks with soapy water and scrape to the small bowl then that is where it belongs. However, if you rinse only and lea
ve the washing for the dishwasher you may want it in the large bowl. If you rinse wash a number of large pots you will likely do in the larger sink and therefore want the disposal in the larger sink to catch the runoff from rinsing. Today this is far less important because with the dishwasher rarely does either sink get filled and used to actually wash dishes. .
Because the need for two bowls is less important we are seeing more orders for single bowl kitchen sinks in kitchen when the homeowner replace their kitchen counter such as the Eclipse 3018 Napa. With this arrangement there is only one drain so it gets the disposal.